Latest Blog Posts

  • al Camino de la Muerte

    We went back and forth on whether we would do “Death Road” while we were in Bolivia. Part of it was due to how much time we had while we were in La Paz and part of it was due to the reputation of how dangerous of an adventure it could be. In the end,… Read more

  • Where It All Began

    It has almost been a year since we posted our first blog on our site. We’ve learned a lot since then and it is interesting to look back and see how things have changed. This week’s Discover Challenge is Origin, so that got us thinking about how we started down this interesting journey called blogging. … Read more

  • One Door Opens

    It is amazing to see the different styles of intricately carved doors that exist around the world. There is a reason that doors are so often photographed and we’ve definitely enjoyed seeing so many of them being shared on the various sites that we follow. For Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge this week, the theme is… Read more

  • Pisco Sour – Traditional South American Cocktail

    When a friend of ours, who is a bartender, heard that we were going to be in Lima, Peru, he immediately told us that we absolutely had to try a Pisco Sour while we were there.  We had never heard of Pisco or a Pisco Sour, but we agreed that we would give it a… Read more

  • First “Real” Hike of the Season

    We did a fair amount of hiking while we were in Bolivia and we also walk thirty to sixty minutes every day, but this weekend was the first chance we’ve had to get out and go for a hike in the mountains this year. Mostly because we’ve been travelling as well as the poor weather… Read more

  • Daily Post Photo Challenge – Numbers

    Oddly enough, we don’t take a lot of photos while we’re travelling that contain numbers. The one exception to that seems to be clock towers, whether on churches or government buildings, there are several of those to choose from.  For this week’s challenge, numbers, we found this picture from one of the bedrooms in Versailles that… Read more