Where It All Began

It has almost been a year since we posted our first blog on our site. We’ve learned a lot since then and it is interesting to look back and see how things have changed. This week’s Discover Challenge is Origin, so that got us thinking about how we started down this interesting journey called blogging.ย  We certainly had no idea what we were doing back then and we learn something new almost every week, so we know that we still have a long way to go.ย  What we’ve enjoyed most is the interaction with everyone who’s taken the time to read what we’ve written as well reading the interesting stories from all of the blogs that we have followed over the past year.ย  We are definitely amateur photographers at best, but we do like to share pictures of the places that we’ve seen and gone to, so we figured that for this post we would share the original photo that we shared in our introduction post.ย  It is a picture of Warwick Castle from Warwickshire, England.

Warwick Castle

This is also the picture that we selected to use for our page header, which was from a pub in New York City.

Manhattan in Manhattan


13 thoughts on “Where It All Began

  1. Glad we’re on the journey together! I post a small fraction of the times you do, and greatly enjoy your varied menu of daily posts. Please keep at it!

  2. Congrats on your blogiversary ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m happy to have found your site through twitter and look forward to following your adventures !!

    -Steph from thepinkbackpack.com

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