Daily Post Photo Challenge – Curves

There is something tragically beautiful about bullfighting rings.  This is the bullfighting ring in Seville, Spain, which is a spectacular stadium with it high, curving arches and bright orange sand.  One can almost imagine the torero in his brightly decorated outfit gracefully guiding the bull with almost dance-like qualities.  So, we chose this photo of the ring for our entry into this week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge.

Bullfighting Ring in Seville, Spain

Daily Post Photo Challenge – Numbers

Oddly enough, we don’t take a lot of photos while we’re travelling that contain numbers. The one exception to that seems to be clock towers, whether on churches or government buildings, there are several of those to choose from.  For this week’s challenge, numbers, we found this picture from one of the bedrooms in Versailles that had an ornate clock on the mantelpiece.  It captures the ornate detail of the opulent rooms, although we’re not sure if the clock actually works.

Bedroom at Versailles with Ornate Clock


The Victoria Memorial

For Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – Blue and White, we immediately thought of the photo we had taken of the Victoria Memorial in London. It is a monument dedicated to Queen Victoria that is located in the circle across from Buckingham Palace. We just happened to catch the shot with a surprising clear blue sky, especially considering that there gray clouds just before and after we took this picture.

Victoria Memorial