There is something tragically beautiful about bullfighting rings.Β This is the bullfighting ring in Seville, Spain, which is a spectacular stadium with it high, curving arches and bright orange sand.Β One can almost imagine the torero in his brightly decorated outfit gracefully guiding the bull with almost dance-like qualities.Β So, we chose this photo of the ring for our entry into this week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge.

Looks amazing
Thanks π
Awesome image with beautiful sunny colors and interesting textures!
Thank you! π
First of all, this is a beautiful picture. It looks very similar to the bullring in Madrid as well. About the same size, perhaps a tad bit smaller. Second, I have to confess that I love the bullfight as a spectacle. Maybe that’s due to my upbringing – I have both Spain and US citizenship and grew up watching the bullfights. It’s not PC to enjoy anymore, outside of Spain, Mexico and a few other places. But for me, it still gets the heart beating …
Yes, PC or not, it is worth seeing just for the pageantry π
Gorgeous color and curve.
Thanks π
An amazing colourful arena.. even though I disagree with the “sport” the structure is amazing.
It’s a famous dramatic setting and your elegant photo does it honour – we can just hear the music and imagine the pageantry. It’s survived so far, a remnant of our …. less “civilised” instincts? With apologies to aficionados – I used to be fascinated by bullfights in my youth. Actually the best bullfights and most knowledgeable audiences I ever saw were in Mexico City!.
Thank you. It is true that many people don’t think of Mexico’s bullfighting heritage.
A beautiful image. Love the colours too. I’m glad you took the photo when it was empty, though. π
It looks red and yellow, the colours of EspaΓ±a π
Antibullfighting for the record. The majority of Spanish are these days.
It is certainly a controversial subject π
wow; can only imagine what that would have lewked like with that stadium filled with spectators….incredible………
Yes, indeed, thanks π