The Places Where You Never Thought You Would Go

When we were children, many of us dreamed of what it would like to be an explorer and to visit strange and unknown lands. Then we grew up and as we like to say, life got in the way. So we spent our time building careers and raising children and traveled to as many places as we could, but all without leaving our own country. Then, when our children moved out on their own, we started to venture out and start exploring the world. As like most people, we started out by going to places that were more familiar to us like England, France, Spain, and Mexico. Lately, though, we have gone to places that we had never really considered. This week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge is Unlikely and at this point we have been to many places that had you asked us ten years ago we would have never imaged ourselves visiting.

Tangiers, Morocco
Chennai, India
Amazon Rainforest


5 thoughts on “The Places Where You Never Thought You Would Go

  1. I also have a long list of places I never would have imagined going to years ago, like Malta, the Canary Islands, Chile, New Zealand, for starters. The more you travel, though, the more places seem to open up to you!

  2. Wow amazon rain forest! That definitely be on top of my list…list of “places ive never been and never think i will go” haha

  3. Pingback: Unlikely – Dragon | What's (in) the Picture?

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