What Matters During the Holidays

We have several holiday traditions that we celebrate from year to year, but they aren’t what truly matters during this festive season. Regardless of where we are, it always comes down to caring, sharing, compassion, and family. This week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge is Its’s Not This Time of Year Without… There are many things that remind us of the season, our Christmas tree, prime rib with Yorkshire pudding, or a fire in the fireplace. However, we have been away from home the past couple of Christmas’, which has helped us realize that it is about a phone call with loved ones, a card that says they are thinking of us, or most importantly, the two of us being together that is truly most important. Since this is a photo challenge, we have chosen a couple of photos taken during our travels at this time of year, probably a reason that we have always purchased unique holiday decorations from wherever we have been. We already have several spread out in our apartment here in Frankfurt to remind us that it is the holiday season, although a quick trip out of our door to the local Christmas market is all we really need to remind us that the holidays are upon 🎄.

Warwick Castle Decorated for Christmas
Christmas Market in Würzburg
Even Las Vegas does Christmas, Somewhat


2 thoughts on “What Matters During the Holidays

  1. Oh thank you for these lovely lovely Christmassy photos!! ❤️🌿🕯🌿❤️. I am away from home too, I live in India, but I’m from Norway, and yes, it is about that phone call! Thank you posting these! There are no Christmas decorations here, so this was wonderful for me! ❤️🎄🎅🏼

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