Dusk in the Rainforest

The time just before or after the sun sets or rises is known in photography as the golden hour. It has this almost magical quality where things glow slightly and take on a different appearance from how they are viewed when in full sunlight. In the rainforest, it has another effect as the temperature cools and the dense moisture creates clouds that slowly descend onto the canopy of the jungle. When we were driving back to Cochabamba from our stay in the Amazon, we were fascinated by the combination of the sunset in the clouds overhead while the clouds of the rainforest were below us. We captured as many pictures from our moving van as we could. We always enjoy taking photos of sunsets, but this particular sunset will always have a special place in our memories. Have you ever seen a sunset while a passenger in a vehicle that was so amazing that you just had to try and capture it?

Heavy Clouds over the Rainforest
Sunset in the Distance
Heading into the Mountains
Clouds Above and Below
Fascinating Sunset
After the Sun has Set


Another Colorado Sunset

One of the things that we love about living in Colorado are the incredible sunsets that we get from time to time. We enjoy seeing sunsets wherever we go, but there is something about seeing a sunset from your own home that is truly special. Perhaps it is the effect of the radiant colors, but watching a sunset is not only tranquil, but usually gives a warm feeling inside. Stopping for a moment and just watching the colors of the sky change and the sun dip below the horizon is almost like a micro-vacation, even if for only a few minutes. One of the things that made this sunset a little unique was that we weren’t facing west, watching the sun drop below the peaks of the mountains, but instead were facing east and seeing the rays of the sun get collected by the clouds. We took the photos with our phones, so the quality might not be as crisp, but you can still get a sense of it beauty. This week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge is Beloved and there is nothing that represents that more to us than these serene moments.

The Initial View
Swirling Clouds
Just Above the Trees
Consuming the Sky in the End


Colorado Sunsets

We have always enjoyed the amazing sunsets that we’ve been able to see here in Colorado. There is something truly magical about watching the sun go down behind the peaks of the Rocky Mountains, it is just as spectacular as seeing the sun set over the ocean. This week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge is Earth and we thought we would celebrate the beauty of one of our favorite sunsets from 2015, a couple of months before we first started our blog.

Sunset From Our Old House
So Colorful
Towards the End of the Sunset
Beautiful Silhouette
The Clouds are the Stars of the Show
From a Different Sunset
One Last View