Our Last Day in South America

We start our two-day travel to return home from South America very early tomorrow morning, but we’ve got one last day to enjoy La Paz and eat some more Bolivian food (although it is pretty heavy). We survived our trip down “Death Road” yesterday on our way to see some beautiful waterfalls in the town of Coroico. It was a very interesting trip as we went from 4,800 meters (15,750 feet) down to 1,000 meters (3,275 feet) on a very narrow road in just a couple of hours. We were shrouded in clouds as the cold air of the mountains trapped the moist air of the jungle, making it very eerie. We’ll do a post with full details from our trip, but here are a couple of pictures as we head out the door to do some final exploring.

Looking Down at the Road Ahead
Straight Down from the Passenger Window to the Clouds Below
Our Van on a Wide Part of the Road
One of the Many Waterfalls on the Road that We Crossed


Daily Post Photo Challenge – Abstract

We had a couple of ideas for this week’s photo challenge, abstract, but ultimately we decided on this photo that was taken from our yard several years ago. We actually get skies like that from time to time here in Colorado and usually it means that there is going to be a tornado. Fortunately we didn’t see a tornado that day, but it was definitely an eerie sight.

Creepy Clouds
This Picture Shows the Clouds Even Better

This tree trunk from one of our hikes in Yellowstone looked like it might start following us.

Is It Walking?