67 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Guys,
    Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by my little corner of the blogosphere and for the follow. I hope that you get as much pleasure from it as I do,
    Looking forward to seeing more from you ๐Ÿ™‚


  2. Hi Dona and Peter! Thank you so much for stopping by and liking my photos (at “thingsunderstood.wordress.com”) – I really appreciate it and it is great to see you! Please stop by and visit again soon. I have enjoyed your recipes – great ideas. ๐Ÿ™‚ Jacqueline

  3. Pingback: 7-Day Nature Photo Challenge ~ Day 6 – Project Relish

  4. Thank you for visiting my blog and liking my latest post. I enjoyed reading posts on your visit to my state of Tamil Nadu and am eager to read the other posts.What a lovely travel blog!

  5. Hi Peter and Dona,

    My name is Roxanne and I’m a travel blogger from http://www.travelize.me. I checked out your blog and would like to nominate you for the Liebster Award, which is basically a virtual award given from one blogger to another. Our blog recently received one! Would you be interested? If so, I will let you know when we publish our post. What you would need to do is answer 11 of my questions on your blog, come up with 11 of your own and pick 5-11 other bloggers to nominate. Please let me know!


      1. Just wanted to let you know that weโ€™ve published our blog post about the Liebster Award. Hereโ€™s the link: http://travelize.me/awards/
        In this post you can find the โ€œrules,โ€ our answers to the questions we got, and the questions weโ€™ve come up with for you to answer on your blog.
        Let us know when you publish your post so that we could read your answers:)

  6. Pingback: The Sunshine Blogger Award 2.0 – 1617 Sunshine Ave

  7. Hi Peter and Dona,

    We really enjoyed reading your blog today! Keep up the great work! ! In January 2017, we are taking a year off and we will probably spend 6 months in South America then we will probably go and explore Europe. Do not hesitate to follow our adventures too! Keep up the great work!
    Patrick and Cecile from http://www.travel4lifeblog.com

      1. Without disturbing your tourist plans, could meet up with you wherever you are on 28th around 4:30 or 5:00 pm. Or 27th afternoon. Your hotel name (to leave a message)?

  8. Dona and Peter,

    Love your site and adventures. We would like to invite you to come to Budapest and Stara Moravica, Serbia. Budapest is a great place to enjoy life in the city, with parks, festivals and so many great places to eat, Stara Moravica is a great retreat to just relax, write, read, or just un-plug from it all. Hope to see you and meet you one day. Keep up the great work as it has been getting us thinking about adding some of the places you visited to our list.

  9. Hi Dona & Peter, what a fantastic site you have! You have travelled so much, I look forward to reading more!
    Thanks ou for stopping by and following my blog – as you can see I’m just a newbie!

  10. Hi! Thankyou for following my blog! I loved your blog and spent a lot of time reading your posts yesterday. I share the love of travelling as you’ve helped me add so many destination to my dream list. Looking forward to read more on your blog!! Also I hope I can introduce some new places to you too!

  11. I love your stories Pete & Donna!HMmm.. The Moroccan Chicken is definitely something to try out! So mouthwatering! Anyways, how about sharing some of your stories on Trackthattravel.com? It’s just a free travel blogging platform where you can get more exposure as a travel blogger. You might want to check it out.

  12. Your blog is so inspiring. I currently travel the world. While doing so I write a blog and also contribute to a website, https://30seconds.com/travel/ I would love if you would consider contributing to this site. Your blog would be great inspiration for them and exposure for your blog. If you are interested I can send you the details. Thanks for your consideration and for showing us great places around the world.

  13. Hi Donna
    Thank you for dropping and the โ€˜likeโ€™ of the Senior Salon post on my blog EsmeSalon. I would love to see you participate and share a post from your blog with us. Linkup commences each Monday at 02:00 am and end the Friday at 8:00 pm PDT (Pacific Daylight Time).
    Esmรฉ from EsmeSalon

  14. Hey Peter and Donna,

    Love the blog, I discovered you guys through your Yellowstone posts! I was wondering if you two ever do guest posts? I manage a blog for a large e-commerce company called Proozy.com we focus on selling outdoor apparel at discount prices! I’d love to promote you guys and your blog on ours. Here’s my email if it interests you at all!
    Ben Gustafson

    1. We use to major approaches. We setup categories that we are interested in, like travel. Then each day we scroll thru the posts and like to ones that we like. We also use social media outlets – Twitter, Instagram, Facebook to promote our blog.

  15. Hi There, I am regrettably going to de-subscribe because the advertising at your site is annoying. My emails from you feature products for skin tags and the photos are gross….good luck though….

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