Daily Post Photo Challenge – Seasons

Living in Colorado, every season is absolutely amazing. We like to go hiking and we’ve seen the mountains show us some incredible beauty. We like this image because it captures the inevitable transition of autumn into winter (we’d like to think we’ve got a few years before that represents our age ๐Ÿ™‚ ).ย  We were hiking in Vail at the time and we the Aspen leaves were gently drifting down on to the snow-covered ground creating a lovely mix of white and gold.

Aspen Leaves on Snow Covered Trail


12 thoughts on “Daily Post Photo Challenge – Seasons

  1. I live in Brisbane, Australia, where we unfortunately don’t see that transition you talk of. So it was very refreshing to see your photo, which immediately left me feeling cool, on a very hot early morning here. ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. This summer has been the worst that I can recall in a long time. Even now, at 7:45am (Sat) it is 83, with unbelievably bad humidity. Not a breath of wind. The best time I think is Spring (starts Sept 1). Hope you get here at some stage. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Amazing pictures. We now live in CO too, and it is an absolutely beautiful state. However, unlike you, we are entering our fall years (which has always been my favorite season, lol) but still like to walk around and enjoy the beauty that is around us. Thanks for sharing.

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