When the world first shut down in March, it definitely created a lot of anxiety and uncertainty. First and foremost, we’ve stayed healthy and followed all of the appropriate guidance. At the time we had just gotten back from a quick trip to Acapulco, Mexico the month earlier and had finalized our trip to Turkey for April. We were hoping that things would calm down quickly and our travel plans could resume.

Obviously we were wrong and then in June we started to think about the possibility of some sort of travel, even if within the United States. We took a road trip to Telluride, Colorado and have considered some other road trips. We discovered that even getting on the road was difficult as many of the places where we would have stopped to use the restroom were closed to the public. Facemasks have also become a routine way of life. At the time we rescheduled our trip to Turkey to October, but that is definitely still only a hope and not a plan.

We have gotten so desperate for some sort of travel that we are starting to look at possibilities for November/December and hoping to perhaps get to do the safari that we had planned for our 30th wedding anniversary, which took place in April. Since we can’t get to anyplace new, we are going through some of our photographs from many years ago and scanning them into our computer. We will be talking about some of those trips in the coming weeks, but clearly those places might look a lot different today than they did decades ago.

We look forward to being able to share something recent and exciting as soon as it is safe to do so. We really miss the feeling that travel provides and getting to know people from other cultures and learning about their lives and country.

I feel the same way, I’ve been traveling in my hard drives for a while, still a lot to explore. We must remain optimistic and we will see the end of this strange period, patience rather than taking unnecessary risks.
Good way to put it – traveling in your hard drive :). Staying positive is the only we can do and hopefully get to do some traveling soon.
Even during total lockdown of Germany in March, April and May 2020 we always attempted to continue some kind of normal life by varied walks and hikes in the nearby and regional nature which was still allowed. Otherwise we would have become mad!
We have been making sure we go for walks and find some different trails to hike as well. The challenge here is that a lot of people are hiking and they become too crowded ๐
It was crowded here on trails as well till May, actually the seasides of North and Baltic Sea are overcrowded due to a holiday time where nobody wants to leave the country or even just stays at home. crazy times. Greetings from a tiny lake 50 km North of Berlin with a true and real Scandinavian feeling, no Alpine excursions this year! ๐
Greetings to you as well :). We lived in Frankfurt for 6 months. We did not get to visit Berlin, reason for another trip ๐
Hopefully a vacchine against COVID19 will be developped soon so that such kind of travelling possible again. ๐
Congrats on 30 years! Those travel cancellations stink. Having also just gotten back from our (CO/UT) road trip, we agree: it’s not quite the same as pre-pandemic.
Thank you :). Yes, they really do stink. Hopefully we will be able to travel again. Glad it isn’t just us, road trips feel very different now.
This is so interesting. Thank you for sharing. And congrats on your 30 years..
Thank you ๐