The Louvre – An Art Lovers Paradise

The Louvre

We are not art aficionados, but we do really enjoy and appreciate art. Needless to say, one should not go to Paris without visiting the Louvre. It is definitely a museum that you could visit a hundred times and always see and find something new. Of course there is the Mona Lisa, which draws huge lines to see, but there is so much more. Paintings, statues, and other works of art from all of the masters such as Michelangelo, Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci, Giovanni Bellini, and Rembrandt, just to name a few.

The Mona Lisa
Saint Michael Archangel
Us Outside of the Louvre
Winged Victory

Obviously, art museums should be visited whenever you go to any major city, they contain a rich heritage of our human existence.  In some ways, looking at art is like drinking wine.  It isn’t about who the artist is, what the subject is, whether it is traditional, modern, abstract, or how critically acclaimed a piece may be.  What matters is in the eye of the beholder.  As they say, drink a wine that you like, not one that is expensive or is “supposed” to go with a specific food, so should you treat your art experience, find what you like and devour that.  Art should move you on the inside and the best art pieces will leave a lasting impression on your soul.

A Roman (or Greek, We’re Not Sure) Bust
Painting of Madonna and Child
Christ on the Cross

Take time to take a look at the architecture of the Louvre.  It is a former palace, before Louis XIV moved to the Palace of Versailles, and the buildings themselves are exquisite.  If you’ve seen the movie, the Da Vinci Code, you’re very familiar with the Louvre Pyramid.  It certainly stands in stark contrast to the Louvre itself with its modern feel, but we didn’t find it to be “a scar on the face of Paris”, but again, we’re not Parisian.  It is part of the whole experience, so take time to stand in the courtyard and enjoy the grandeur of it all.

The Louvre Exterior
Louvre Entrance
It was Cold the Day that We Visited
Death of Christ

If you are an art scholar, student, art enthusiast, or simply someone who likes art, the Louvre is a must to visit.  If you have the time, sit in front of the paintings, absorb them, take in the details, just don’t rush off to the next one on the list.  For that matter, take the list of art with you so that you can be sure to see some of the more famous pieces, but don’t use that as your guide.  Stop and look at artwork that grabs your attention, that speaks to you, don’t let others decide for you which pieces you should see.  Someday soon we’ll be back to Paris, it is one of, if not the, favorite city we’ve ever had the pleasure to enjoy and the Louvre will be part of our return trip.

20 thoughts on “The Louvre – An Art Lovers Paradise

  1. I agree that visiting major museums is a cultural “must”. I do love art, but find that looking at a lot of great art in one go can be tiring and you don’t get as much from it. My very favourite is the Art Institute of Chicago, which also blends great modern architecture, lthe MOMA and NYC Guggenheim. Funny the grass is always greener elsewhere 🙂

    1. We definitely love the Art Institute of Chicago and have visited it several times since our youngest daughter lives there. It is best to get a membership to a museum, if you’re lucky enough to live close to a good one, because it is definitely too much to absorb in a single visit.

  2. Love this! I agree, art museums are a must during travel. Also makes me realize how I neglect to visit the one in my own city. If I went more regularly, I could better enjoy the collection, as well as traveling exhibits.

  3. Oh my it is a dream of ours to visit the Louvre museum. I’m not much of an art fanatic either but I was especially intrigued by it after I read the Da Vinci code 😀 Thanks for sharing the incredible photos!

  4. Thanks for an amazing post the the awesome pictures. I love Paris and we have been a few times. The Louve is always high on our list to see. It is so huge you could spend days in just one wing. It is so amazing. It is definitley not something you want to rush though. Like you said, take the time and see the pieces you really want to see but also stop and see others that grab your attention. You may find a new artiest you like 🙂 Thanks again for sharing.

  5. First of all, you guys are so cute! I love that! OK. Believe it or not, the Louvre is not my favorite place in Paris. I love art and museums, but I love a more intimate setting–like the Orsay. It’s funny because I have been to the Louvre and people (i.e. friends and family) think I”m nuts but I do recommend a visit there, it’s just that it’s soooooooooooooooooooooo overwhelming! Paris is the greatest city though!!

  6. What lovely pictures you are showing here. I am always so amazed when we travel and walked around the city and see such new and beautiful places. The cafe is so nice to sit outside under the awning and sip on coffee while admiring the landscape.

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