Coming Home, Does it Make You Happy or Sad?

Returning home after a trip is always a mix of emotions, the comfort of being home and sadness to see a journey come to an end. There is definitely a different sense of emotions as you fly home as opposed to heading to a new destination. The trip home is subdued and usually a general sense of exhaustion, while the time you spend on the way to a new location is filled with anticipation and excitement to see new things. We will be sharing specifics of our trip over the next few days and apologize for having not been able to keep in touch as often as we would have liked, but we made the most of our time, so we were out from dawn until late every day. We are just now starting to go through all of the photos that we took, which is a daunting task in and of itself. Being home definitely provides a sense of normalcy, the known versus the unknown, but there is a sense of something missing. If travel never came to an end, there would be nothing to compare it with, so in a sense the trip home is a necessity in order to make you appreciate travel even more. What are your thoughts on returning? Do you look forward to a night in your own bed or feel a sense of depression upon your return?

Sunset over the Jungle in the Amazon
Quito at Dusk
Beginning of a Sunset over Quito
End of the Sunset in the Jungle
Basilica from Our Hotel as the Sun Sets
Quito Sunset

22 thoughts on “Coming Home, Does it Make You Happy or Sad?

  1. Mixed, usually, though it sometimes leans strongly one way or the other. If I’ve been too busy or gotten too overwhelmed by crowds for days on end, I’m more relieved to go home. If there was more I wanted to do but couldn’t, I’ll be more upset to return home.

  2. Two weeks is usually my limit before I start longing for my own bed and comforts of my home. I am happy to return, put together all the details in my scrapbook, a way for me to relive the experiences and start planning the next new exciting trip. Home is always where the heart is. Great post.

  3. Good question. Honestly, I think that home’s been so many places for me over the years (in a good sense!) that I rarely miss a certain bed/food/routine – although I really enjoy catching up with friends and family of course. For me, the return trips are always hard, ultimately because I think if circumstance allowed, I’d travel longer-term instead of doing my office job!!

  4. If at all possible, we always have another trip planned even if still distant. That way when we get home, we can look forward to the next one. We started on the road today for three weeks, but when we get back there is another planned for the last week of October and another for the end of next March. Yes, we know how fortunate we are. πŸ™‚

  5. Good question for me as we head home tomorrow after two weeks in Central Europe. I’d say my only real interest in returning home is seeing my dog and stopping living out of a suitcase and a toiletry bag!

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