Isobar Expeditions

Whimsical Artwork


There are so many wonderful statues and pieces of art in cities throughout the world. Most of them are usually very stoic and austere, but occasionally you run across something that just makes you smile. Who knows whether they were appreciated at the time that they were first unveiled and they often seem strangely out of place, but they are still interesting none the less. One of the statues that truly stood out to us was the pink bunny at the entrance to the train station outside of the opera house in Vienna. It really was an odd juxtaposition. Have you seen whimsical statues during your travels?

On the Streets of Reykjavik
At One Time it Hung on a Building in Amsterdam
On the River in Prague
Okay, It is Expected in Disney World
Fountain in Coroico, Bolivia
Downtown Denver
Ship of Fools in Nuremburg


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