Chapelle Saint-Leon IX in Eguisheim, France

The town of Eguisheim is one of the medieval towns located on the Wine Road near Strasbourg, France. Located in the heart of the town is the Capelle Saint-Leon IX, which is a beautiful church with a colorful interior and interesting stained glass windows. The church is dedicated to Pope Leo IX who came from Eguisheim and was pope from 1049 to 1054. These historic churches are always worth visiting as they as they are a window into life hundreds of years ago.

The Front of the Chapel
Colorful Columns and Stained Glass Windows
Statue in Front of the Chapel
Entering the Chapel

The Chapelle Saint-Leon IX was built in the neo-Roman style in 1894 providing an excellent example of churches of the era. The chapel has beautiful stained glass windows that date back to 1895 as well as colorfully painted walls and ceilings depicting seven scenes from the life of Pope Leo IX. In addition to the interior, the colorful roof, bell tower, and architecture are also quite wonderful. Since it is located near the main fountain in the town square, there are also several restaurants near the chapel that serve a variety of local food.

Depicting the Life of Pope Leo IX
Stained Glass Windows
One of the Streets Heading Away from the Chapel and the Town Square
Ceiling Above the Altar

It is certainly worth taking time to see the Chapelle Saint-Leon IX when visiting quaint town of Eguisheim. As with most European towns, the church is literally and figuratively the heart of town and a focal point for all celebrations. We visited in the month of November, so there was a wonderful Christmas market located along the walls of the church. The chapel itself will only take about twenty minutes to see, but from there you should wander the narrow streets that spread out from the town square.

Looking Up at the Ceiling
Christmas Market Surrounding the Chapel
Statue of St. Leo Inside of the Chapel
View of Chapelle Saint-Leon IX
Medieval Street Next to the Chapel


Eguisheim, France

There are many wonderful towns on the wine road in Alsace, France. One of the first towns that we visited during our day tour from Strasbourg was Eguisheim. It is a medieval town that was built in rings of buildings that circle the town square. With its historic buildings, tiny streets, and unique shops, it is a popular destination for tourists who visit Alsace and the wine road. One of the highlights of Eguisheim is the Chapelle Saint-Leon IX, which is a beautiful chapel located near the fountain in the town square.

Narrow Streets of Eguisheim
Chapelle Saint-Leon IX
Beautiful Architecture
Historic Quaintness
Wondering Through the Town

We visited Eguisheim during the winter and there were still plenty of crowds, but we would expect the town to be even more crowded during the summer months when the entire area is a popular destination. Walking the narrow streets is truly like stepping back in time and has an almost magical quality. One of things that we enjoyed were the many whimsical shops that can be found as you take the tour around the main loop that surrounds the town and then leads you to the town center. It is definitely a romantic location.

Crowded with Tourists and Locals
Colorful Ceiling Above the Altar
Whimsical Shops
Front of the Chapel
Scenes Depicting Pope Saint-Leon IX’s Life

The Chapelle Saint-Leon IX was built in the neo-Roman style in 1894 and dedicated to Pope Saint-Leon IX. The chapel has beautiful stained glass windows that date back to 1895 as well as colorfully painted walls and ceilings depicting seven scenes from the life of Saint-Leon. It is certainly worth taking time to see the chapel when visiting Eguisheim. Located near the main fountain in the town square, there are also several restaurants near the chapel that serve a variety of local food.

Witch Above a Store Door
Inside of the Capel
Stained Glass
Medieval Charm
Colorful Buildings

Eguisheim is definitely a beautiful town in the heart of Alsace. We spent a couple of hours in the town and enjoyed our time their immensely. The town has received multiple accreditations for its beauty and history, making it one of the most popular stops on the wine road of Alsace.

Bell Tower with Bird’s Nest
Historical Streets
Town Square and Chapel
Statue of Saint-Leon IX Inside the Chapel
Shops, Restaurants, and a Market


Coming Home, Does it Make You Happy or Sad?

Returning home after a trip is always a mix of emotions, the comfort of being home and sadness to see a journey come to an end. There is definitely a different sense of emotions as you fly home as opposed to heading to a new destination. The trip home is subdued and usually a general sense of exhaustion, while the time you spend on the way to a new location is filled with anticipation and excitement to see new things. We will be sharing specifics of our trip over the next few days and apologize for having not been able to keep in touch as often as we would have liked, but we made the most of our time, so we were out from dawn until late every day. We are just now starting to go through all of the photos that we took, which is a daunting task in and of itself. Being home definitely provides a sense of normalcy, the known versus the unknown, but there is a sense of something missing. If travel never came to an end, there would be nothing to compare it with, so in a sense the trip home is a necessity in order to make you appreciate travel even more. What are your thoughts on returning? Do you look forward to a night in your own bed or feel a sense of depression upon your return?

Sunset over the Jungle in the Amazon
Quito at Dusk
Beginning of a Sunset over Quito
End of the Sunset in the Jungle
Basilica from Our Hotel as the Sun Sets
Quito Sunset