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  • A Semi-Liesurely Day in Egypt

    Although just as fascinating as every other day so far, today was not quite as hectic. It was partially due to the fact that our tours were broken up into two parts. More amazing temples and doing our best to absorb 5,000 years of history. Still so much more to see. Read more

  • Our Nile River Cruise has Begun

    After spending the morning visiting the tombs in the Valley of the Kings outside of Luxor, we have started our cruise down the Nile River. The weather is hot, but not as hot as it could be. We have had limited internet connectivity while on the ship, so we apologize if we don’t respond as… Read more

  • We Have Arrived in Luxor, Egypt

    After a grueling flight with only a little sleep, we landed in Luxor this morning. We have started touring the temples and trying our best to absorb as much of the fascinating history as we can. Tonight we will enjoy a light and music show at the Karnak Temple. We are looking forward to the… Read more

  • Ready for Departure

    Our bags are packed and we are leaving in a few hours to start our trip to Egypt. We will make every effort to share some information during our trip, but there may be times when we are quiet. We fly from Denver to Munich and then Munich to Cairo. From Cairo we will be… Read more

  • The Places Where You Never Thought You Would Go

    When we were children, many of us dreamed of what it would like to be an explorer and to visit strange and unknown lands. Then we grew up and as we like to say, life got in the way. So we spent our time building careers and raising children and traveled to as many places… Read more

  • Freßgass in Frankfurt

    We were fortunate when we were in Frankfurt to live just a couple of blocks from Freßgass (Fressgass), which is a pedestrian street with shops and restaurants. Freßgass literally means grazing street and we probably ate at one of the restaurants almost every day. There are also a lot of high end shops on the street as… Read more