Latest Blog Posts

  • Disney’s Animal Kingdom Theme Park

    The Animal Kingdom Theme Park at Walt Disney World is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, so it is probably fitting that we visited on our 20th wedding anniversary several years ago. There are so many things to see at Walt Disney World, but Animal Kingdom is pretty unique because it combines the excitement of… Read more

  • Sensory Overload in Chennai, India

    It is hard to describe to people the overall sensation of what it was like when we arrived in Chennai during our visit to India several years ago. With that many people living in one place, around 8.5 million people, the city is a always in constant motion with cars, motorcycles, rickshaws, trucks, and people… Read more

  • Beer Braised Bratwurst with Homemade Sauerkraut

    We had several types of sausages during our time in Europe, but bratwurst was one that we had several times. Unlike here in the United States, bratwurst is not served on a bun unless you are getting it at a festival or market, but we enjoy the convenience of eating them on a bun. To… Read more

  • Going With the Flow

    We have mentioned previously that we don’t always spend a ton of time planning for a trip and there are other times that we do. We had been going back and forth on where to go for our first big trip of the year and we couldn’t seem to make up our minds. Our initial… Read more

  • Puerto Vallarta – Something for Everyone

    Puerto Vallarta, on the Pacific Coast in Mexico, has a wide variety of activities that will suit anyone’s vacation style. Especially for those who live in the western half of the United States, Puerto Vallarta is an easy destination to reach with flights that are convenient and typically affordable. Obviously, it is a resort area… Read more

  • We Have the Airport Blues

    We have been on work trips three out of the last four weeks, which is the complete opposite of traveling for pleasure. We have almost spent more time sitting in airports than we have in our own home, which is definitely not fun. Every airport is different in some ways and yet every airport is… Read more