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  • Touring Fortifications in Transylvania

    If you get the opportunity to visit Transylvania in Romania, there is much more to see than the supposed castle of Dracula. Set in the hills of the Carpathian mountains, there are several peasant church fortifications as well as the Fortress in Rasnov.  We took a day tour out of Brasov and were able to… Read more

  • Do You Love Where You Live?

    A lot of people think that where they live is one of the best places in the world. We have certainly seen some beautiful places, fascinating cities, and gorgeous landscapes, but we find it hard not to think of Colorado as a very special place to live. We recently have had the opportunity to pretty… Read more

  • Philly Cheesesteak

    We used to live outside of Philadelphia many years ago and one of our favorite meals were Philly Cheesesteaks. We have tried to get them occasionally here in Colorado and with few exceptions, nothing matches the real thing. Every time we are back in Pennsylvania, we make sure to get an Italian Hoagie and a… Read more

  • Beating the Crowds in Yellowstone National Park

    Yellowstone National Park has such an amazing variety of scenery and wildlife that it is not surprising why people travel from around the world to visit. We have been fortunate enough to go to Yellowstone over a dozen times over the years and every visit has been as unique as the wildlife that we have seen.… Read more

  • Prague Castle Complex

    One of the most amazing places we visited during our time in Europe was the Prague Castle Complex. There are many beautiful castles throughout Europe, but the sheer size and number of structures on the grounds of Prague Castle made it one of the most fascinating. Dating back to the 9th century with new additions… Read more

  • How Do You Choose Your Next Travel Destination?

    Deciding where you want to spend your money and time visiting can be one of the more stressful decisions that anyone can make before traveling. There are many ways to make that decision and some of those might be determined by your personality. Some people are willing to throw a dart at a map and… Read more