Latest Blog Posts

  • Christkindlmarket Chicago

    Going to the Christkindlmarket in Chicago was definitely an enjoyable experience. This is the second Christmas market that we have attended here in the States and, although there are some differences compared to those that we experienced in Germany, they have both been very authentic. It was extremely cold during our visit to Chicago with… Read more

  • Surviving the Passages of Time

    Traveling, especially throughout Europe, allows you to see how difficult it is to keep time from eroding everything that is man made. Rain, wind, hail, sleet, and snow take their toll on everything from buildings, bridges, monuments, and statues. Of all of those, seeing the statues that have had pigeons perched upon their shoulders, bronze… Read more

  • Taking Random Photos

    Just like everyone else, when we travel we take photos of all of the major sites to see as well as a selfie here and there. We love taking photos of the various architecture, cityscapes, landscapes, and major landmarks. With that said, we often take random photos that don’t necessarily represent the place that we… Read more

  • What Do You Want to Get From Blogging?

    There are a variety of reasons that most people take the time and effort to write a blog and share their thoughts with the world. Regardless of what style of blog that you write and how frequently you post, creating content that generates interest can not only be difficult, but also opens yourself up to… Read more