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  • Do You Prefer Casual or Fine Dining when Traveling?

    Especially when traveling to larger cities, there tend to be an abundance of restaurants to choose from. Although we might select a nicer restaurant for a single night or a special occasion, we typically find more casual restaurants to grab a meal or quick bite. We go with casual restaurants for a variety of reasons.… Read more

  • Gone in an Instant

    Sunsets are like a lot of moments in life where, in the moment, everything is serene and beautiful, but then suddenly it is over. Taking photographs of the places that you visit helps to capture those moments, but it is never quite the same as it is when you are actually experiencing it. Whether standing… Read more

  • Lighting the Way

    Lighthouses can be quite unique and beautiful throughout the world. Obviously, they serve and important function, keeping ships from coming perilously close to shore, but they are fascinating in their own way. We have seen lighthouses in Iceland, Morocco, and Chicago and the surroundings of each couldn’t have been more different. Last week’s Cee’s Fun… Read more

  • We Wish Someone Would Have Told Us…

    We have been back in the States for over six months now and we think about our extended time in Germany all the time. It was just about a year ago when we moved to Frankfurt and struggled to find an apartment. There are so many things that we wish we would have known before… Read more

  • Sauerbraten with Red Cabbage and Potatoes

    Sauerbraten is something that we had several times during our time in Germany. It is basically a pot roast and it is typically served with red cabbage and potatoes. We decided to recreate the Sauerbraten that we ate at a restaurant in Prague, Czech Republic, in December last year. It is fairly easy to make,… Read more

  • A Busy Few Weeks Ahead

    Travel can be exciting and fun, but when it is for work, it can also be stressful and tedious. During the month of November, we will be on the road for three out of four weeks. Two of these will be for work, one to Austin, Texas, and the other to Fairfax, Virginia. At the… Read more