Latest Blog Posts

  • What is Around the Next Bend?

    For good or bad, people have a tendency to focus on what is coming around the next corner. Travelers tend to spend a fair amount of time researching and planning their next adventure, which can be a good thing as it can be diverting from the day to day drudgery. Thinking about the possibilities of… Read more

  • Do You Have a Specific Travel Goal?

    Many of the travelers that we meet have very specific goals that they would like to achieve from their travels. We’re not talking about bucket list items, like visiting a specific place, but these are bigger goals. Some people have goals like 30 countries before the age of 30 or traveling to all 50 states… Read more

  • Scottsdale, Arizona

    Located on the outskirts of Phoenix, Arizona, Scottsdale is a resort and retirement community that is a relaxing place to visit. In some ways, it reminds us of Hilton Head, South Carolina, only it doesn’t have the beaches. What it does have is a lot of excellent golf courses, upscale resorts, and restaurants galore. Summertime… Read more

  • Horse-Drawn Carriage Rides

    Although they can certainly be romantic, we don’t tend to do the horse-drawn carriage rides in most of the cities that we visit. Unfortunately, often the horses are not treated well and the prices that they charge are generally not worth the experience. Sometimes you can get some interesting information about the city from the… Read more

  • A Sensitive Topic of Conversation

    Oddly enough, we have wanted to broach this subject ever since our return to the States. One of the things about traveling to different parts of the world is dealing with various bathrooms and the attitudes towards them. Obviously, this is a topic that make some people uncomfortable, but there are times when it is… Read more

  • Telling a Visual Story

    Throughout time, people have written down their history through the use of symbols and artwork. The saying that a picture is worth a thousand words was probably even more true in the days before actual photographs when paintings on the walls of caves represented the lives of the people who lived in them. In today’s… Read more