Do You Have a Specific Travel Goal?

Temples at Mahabalipuram in India

Many of the travelers that we meet have very specific goals that they would like to achieve from their travels. We’re not talking about bucket list items, like visiting a specific place, but these are bigger goals. Some people have goals like 30 countries before the age of 30 or traveling to all 50 states in America. Perhaps you want to visit all of the countries that make up your ancestry or maybe you want to visit all countries that make up the European Union.

Lighthouse on the Northern Coast of Africa in Morocco

Our goal is going to be difficult to achieve, especially since we started traveling later in life. We want to make it to all seven continents. At this point, we have been to five of the seven continents with Australia and Antarctica left. We have been looking at going to New Zealand in early 2018, but it isn’t technically part of Australia, but is part of Oceania, which includes the islands that surround Australia. In order to keep it official, we are now looking at combining Australia and New Zealand into the same trip next year.

Andes Mountains in South America

Just because we have a goal to go to all seven continents, that doesn’t mean that it limits our travel choices, it just enhances them. We have smaller goals, like exploring more of Central and South America, which is why we are going to Ecuador in September. Obviously, we had been to Europe before, but that didn’t stop us from seeing as much of it as possible during the time we stayed in Germany. Travel is rewarding in and of itself, but sometimes having a goal can give you something to focus on or to help push your boundaries.

Castles in Europe

What is your travel goal? Is there something specific that you hope to achieve through your travels?

Outside of Aspen, Colorado

16 thoughts on “Do You Have a Specific Travel Goal?

  1. All 50 US states, all the Canadian provinces and territories, and all 7 continents are on my to-do list. But as you said, I have many smaller goals as well. Truly I just want to travel as much as I can. With time, I’m sure I’ll meet my larger travel goals.

  2. I’d like to visit every country before I pass. I’d like to joining the Travelers’ Century Club. I’ve got a lot of work to do in Asia and the Middle East. I’m also still missing a few states. The thing that I find difficult about it though is balancing seeing lots, with experiencing the culture fully. There’s so much to see, and so little time!

    Cool post! Happy travels.

    1. We still need to go to Asia and the Middle East. We struggle with the same thing. We tend to try to get to know some locals so we see more than just what travel sites and books recommend. Getting off the beaten path can be fun.
      Thank you for reading ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. My goal is vague and large: Go to as many places as humanly possible before I die! But thinking smaller and more concretely, I guess I would like to add Antarctica to my continent list, and I’d like to, at some point, travel long-term (like, for 6 months or more all at once) to see what I think of very slow, unplanned travel.

    (Oh, and I see the answer here to the question I asked in another post of yours! You are headed to Ecuador soon!)

    1. Spending several months in an area is a great experience. We fortunate to have that opportunity when we spent 5 1/2 months in Germany from last September to March. It enabled us to see a lot of countries and learn about a lot of cultures and history of Europe.

  4. Snap! I too want to visit all the continents. I’ve been to Europe and North America and by the end of next year I’ll have visited Asia, Australia and Oceania. I have a tattoo on my leg that I intend to get filled in with continents I’ve been too! The photo of it is on my blog ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Pingback: Do You Have a Specific Travel Goal? โ€” livingtheqlife - The Punk Rock Hobo

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