Latest Blog Posts

  • The Gift of a Christmas Cookie

    Being here in Germany, away from family and friends, we are missing the normal exchanging of gifts that would normally occur. We decided to do something personal for the friends that we have made since arriving and chose to bake some chocolate chip cookies in order to share a little of our memories with our… Read more

  • Daily Post Photo Challenge – Anticipation

    For those that celebrate Christmas, there is always much anticipation for Christmas morning, seeing your children and loved ones open their gifts, seeing the joy and happiness in their eyes. For those of us who travel frequently, it is often the anticipation of the next journey that fills our hearts with suspense and excitement as… Read more

  • Life in Movement

    Life is a perpetual series of events that change our perceptions, sometimes define who we are, as well as influence our world view. Before going to bed last night, we learned of the news of the attack in Berlin and obviously we are terribly saddened to hear of another horrific attack. It is easy to… Read more

  • You are a Sum of Your Experiences

    There are many factors that ultimately shape who you are as a human being. Whether you believe in nature or believe in nurture as the fundamental building blocks to us as human beings, there can be no escaping the fact that your experiences add to who you are as a human being. The people that… Read more

  • Just on the Horizon

    As another year draws to a close, we often reflect on the year that has been as well as think about the future ahead of us. We don’t tend to dwell too much on the past or worry too much about what may lie ahead as we have seen plans come and go within the… Read more

  • Between a Rock and a Hard Place

    We have been spending most of our time visiting cities and towns all around Germany and starting to spread out into more areas of Europe in general. We have not lived in a city for a long time, spending most of our time in Colorado Springs which is a city with a small town feel,… Read more