Latest Blog Posts

  • Arial Transportation

    When we were in Bolivia, we loved the use of cable cars as a mode of transportation. Not only are they efficient and inexpensive, but they provide wonderful views of the city. Especially in La Paz, which is a city built into the sides of the Andes mountains, it makes sense since there is no… Read more

  • Daily Post Photo Challenge – Frame

    We took this photo of Alhambra in Granada, Spain, a couple of years ago. It wasn’t our intention to frame the building with the bushes, all we were really trying was to position ourselves where the sun wouldn’t blur the shot. So, this is our entry for this week’s photo challenge, frame. Read more

  • The Wildflowers of Colorado

    One of our favorite things about hiking during the summer in Colorado are all of the beautiful wildflowers. It doesn’t matter if we’re hiking in the mountains or just taking one of the various trails that run through the neighborhoods, there are wildflowers everywhere. There are so many different varieties and each are beautiful in… Read more

  • Birds of a Feather

    We knew exactly which photo we were going to use when we saw that Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge for this week was feathers. Driving down Death Road in Bolivia was a very intense experience, one which we aren’t likely to forget any time soon. In the middle of the trip, we passed through a small… Read more

  • Daily Post Photo Challenge – Rare

    There are many precious things in the world that are rare such as jewels and certain endangered species of animals. Finding your perfect soul mate can also be rare in this crazy world that we live in today. For us, though, finding that perfect moment when time stands still and the worries of the world… Read more

  • Historic Manitou Springs

    As you head west out of Colorado Springs towards Pike’s Peak, you pass the popular tourist town of Manitou Springs. Despite the fact that it is where the cog railway is located and one of our favorite trails, Barr trail, that takes you to the top of Pike’s Peak, we haven’t given the quaint town… Read more