Latest Blog Posts

  • Incallajta – Bread Basket of the Inca

    One of the tours that took while we were in Cochabamba, Bolivia, was to the ruins at Incallajta. They are some of the most well-preserved ruins in Bolivia and it really gives you a sense of how great the Incan civilization was.  Sadly, not a lot is known for sure about the site and it… Read more

  • Germany is on Our Minds

    It might only be June, but for this week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Events, our minds quickly went back to the Oktoberfest Festival that we went to last September. Going to an Oktoberfest is certainly a lot of fun wherever you can find one, but it would certainly be a wonderful experience to go to… Read more

  • Pre-Digital Days

    This week’s Discover Challenge ask us to thing about the old days of analog. The world has certainly come a long way since the days when we grew up. Television without remotes, telephones with rotary dials, no such thing as a microwave or personal computer. In this new world where everyone has instant access to… Read more

  • Our Take on Pique Macho

    As we mentioned previously, Pique Macho seems to be more of a generalized idea than a specific recipe. With that in mind, we took inspiration from the couple of different variations that we had and came up with our own take on it. First of all, we weren’t going to make the enormous portions that… Read more

  • Daily Post Photo Challenge – Pure

    During our trip to Iceland, we definitely saw plenty of untouched nature. “Pure as the driven snow” is a phrase that can easily describe much of what we saw during our time there. So, we chose this photo of the open landscapes covered in freshly fallen snow as our entry for this week’s theme of… Read more

  • Cochabamba – Our Introduction to Bolivia

    Our first stop in Bolivia was the city of Cochabamba and we didn’t completely know what to expect there. It was a short taxi ride from the airport to our hotel, but our room wasn’t ready yet, so we wanted to ask if there was anything that we could visit while we were waiting. We knew… Read more