Latest Blog Posts

  • Tiwanaku – Mystery and Destruction

    Walking through the ruins of Tiwanaku brings both a sense of fascination and yearning for more. This once great capital fills you with a sense of mystery, both because of the seemingly impossible building methods used by the inhabitants over two-thousand years ago as well as the lack of knowledge that we’ll ever have because… Read more

  • Journey into the Jungle

    We had spent the night in an eco-lodge, which in and of itself was an interesting experience. We woke up early and ate breakfast with our guide, Remy, who asked us if we’d checked under our bed before we went to sleep, to which we replied that we hadn’t. Apparently tarantula spiders are quite common in… Read more

  • Spread Your Wings and Fly

    We aren’t adrenaline junkies, but we definitely like to push our boundaries.  Every place that we visit provides an opportunity for adventure, but clearly our trip to Bolivia offered more than most of our trips.  It has been an exciting year so far with a trip to Iceland as well as Bolivia, so when we… Read more

  • City Rooftops

    For this week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – Cities (Skylines to Street Photography), we picked this photo of the rooftops in Manhattan. It was actually the view from the hotel where we stayed and we found the rooftop garden and the various water towers to make for a unique scene.   Read more

  • The Food of Cochabamba

    We didn’t have any preconceptions about the food of Bolivia or, in this case, specifically of Cochabamba. We had heard about Pique Macho, but didn’t know exactly what it was. What we discovered is that meals in Cochabamba were larger than we expected. Not just the Pique Macho, which is known to be a huge… Read more

  • Daily Post Photo Challenge – Spare

    This week’s challenge was an interesting interpretation of the word spare. The definition they used was lean or sparse. As far as sparse landscapes, Iceland was a unique blend of awesome beauty and a sea of ice and snow.   This lava field with a volcano in the background was a typical scene during our… Read more