Latest Blog Posts

  • Unexpected Discoveries

    We had planned on seeing quite a bit while we were in Bolivia, but on the day that we went to Incallajta, our guide treated us to a couple of unexpected treats. As we drove from Cochabamba into the surrounding mountains, we stopped at a tiny village. This was the first time that our guide… Read more

  • Copacabana – Not Typical Bolivia

    Of all of the places that we visited while we were in Bolivia, Copacabana felt strangely out of place. It was very much a tourist destination with resorts sitting on the shores of Lake Titicaca.  We’re glad that we went to Copacabana towards the end of our trip in Bolivia and not at the beginning… Read more

  • Lessons Learned

    Every trip brings with it a series of experiences, mostly good, but not always. And with those experiences come opportunities to learn. To learn new things about a culture, about history, the people, and sometimes even yourself. This week’s Discover Challenge is about learning and so we figured it would be a timely opportunity to… Read more

  • Fascinating Architecture

    There are architectural gems in just about every place we’ve ever visited and each is special in their own ways. Trying to decide which location to feature as part of Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Architecture seemed a daunting task. After careful consideration, we decided on Alhambra in Granada, Spain. The fact that it is an… Read more

  • Creative Chicken Leftovers

    Since it is just the two of us, when we cook a whole chicken, we always have a lot of leftovers. Making open-face buffalo chicken sandwiches on English muffins or biscuits is a tasty option for using some of the chicken we have sitting in the refrigerator.  It can make for an easy dinner, quick… Read more

  • Daily Post Photo Challenge – Jubilant

    This week’s photo challenge is about being jubilant. Since we want to share as many photos from our recent trip to South America as we can, we decided to share a picture of some street performers in Lima, Peru. We had stopped at a little café for a glass of wine and as we sat… Read more