Latest Blog Posts

  • Quick Stop in Lima, Peru

    We had a twenty-four hour layover in Lima during our flight to Bolivia, so we decided to make the most of the opportunity and do some sightseeing around Lima. We’ll do a full post on it when we have the opportunity, but here is are a couple of photos to give an idea of what… Read more

  • Guacamole – A Taste of South of the Border

    One of things that we love about travelling to Mexico is that when you order guacamole, you get a lot of guacamole. Here in the United States, you would think that avocados were a precious commodity by the way they charge you for a couple of tablespoons of guacamole.  There are a lot of good… Read more

  • The Calm Before the Storm

    It is true that the day before a storm arrives, the weather is usually deceptively beautiful. Here in Colorado, we usually call it “the warm before the storm”, but the idea is still the same. This was definitely true this weekend as we took these pictures the night before we got another foot of snow.… Read more

  • Daily Post Photo Challenge – Admiration

    There are a lot of traits that inspire admiration from us and a lot of other people. Loyalty, courage, self-sacrifice, and humility are just a few. So, when we think of the people we admire, our first thoughts go to the people who are willing to put themselves in danger to protect the rest of… Read more

  • Fountain Photo Challenge – Urban Fountains

    Here is another photo for the urban fountain photo challenge. This is a photo of the Swann Memorial Fountain in Logan Square Philadelphia. Designed by Alexander Calder in 1924, the figures are of Native Americans meant to symbolize the three major waterways around Philadelphia. The Delaware River is represented as a man, the Schuykill River… Read more

  • Attending Cultural Shows

    When travelling, we try to go to a show that depicts the history and culture of the people where we are visiting. They can be a little bit hokey at times, but they are also pretty informative.  When we were in Puerto Vallarta a few years ago, we had two different experiences, but they were both a… Read more