Latest Blog Posts

  • The Watchers in the Mountain

    We’re not talking about mountain lions, hawks, or some other wild animal, we’re talking about NORAD and the Cheyenne Mountain Complex.  If you ever drive through Colorado Springs, when you get to the south end of town, past Pikes Peak, you’ll likely notice a large group of antennas on the peaks of the southern-most mountains… Read more

  • Fountain Photo Challenge – Urban Fountains

    A fellow blogger, Polianthus, has asked us to participate in their monthly fountain challenge and this month it is urban fountains. In looking through our pictures of fountains, we found this fountain from Granada, Spain. It is a monument depicting Christopher Columbus getting approval from Queen Isabella to try to sail around the world. Read more

  • Who Are You?

    Many years ago we were introduced to someone at an event and they asked us who we were. We replied with our typical answer at the time, that we were Pete and Dona and told him what our roles were at our current companies. He looked us and said, “that is what you do, not… Read more

  • Quick Weeknight Dinner

    As hectic as our schedules are, we often look for quick and easy dinner options. Making tacos is definitely one of those types of meals that is tasty as well as easy.  Tacos are a great option because you can use almost any type of meat such as pork, chicken, beef, or you could even… Read more

  • The Victoria Memorial

    For Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – Blue and White, we immediately thought of the photo we had taken of the Victoria Memorial in London. It is a monument dedicated to Queen Victoria that is located in the circle across from Buckingham Palace. We just happened to catch the shot with a surprising clear blue sky,… Read more

  • The View from Above

    One of the great things about visiting most major cities is that they all have locations where you can get a bird’s-eye view. Being able to see a city from above is a fantastic way to get an understanding of the architecture, the layout of the streets, and even how the city grew over time.… Read more