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  • Daily Post Photo Challenge – Future

    The future belongs to those who dare to dream of the impossible and make it a reality. Sure, that is probably a take on something famous that somebody has said, but that is how we define the future. So, for this week’s photo challenge about the future, we decided to use some pictures that we… Read more

  • Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – Freeways, Expressways, Highways

    This is our first time attempting this particular challenge. With the exception of our trip to Iceland, we don’t have too many pictures taken of roads while driving, but we do have a couple.  Looking at all of the photos of highways has us singing “on the road again”. 🙂   Read more

  • This Might Explain A Lot

    Most people understand having the travel bug, but there are some people that we know that just don’t seem to get it. Obviously, we currently live in Colorado and spend quite a bit of time hiking in the mountains and enjoying our beautiful state. But, when the two of us first met, we lived in… Read more

  • Daily Post Discover Challenge – Memory

    To quote Charles Dickens from the Tale of Two Cities – “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…”.  Living in Colorado, we have the opportunity to take part in a variety of outdoor activities.  One of the things that we’ve been able to do several times over the years is to… Read more

  • Pan Fried Tilapia with Oven Roasted Asparagus

    We try to have some sort of seafood every week and tilapia is a mild fish that is easy to prepare and typically inexpensive.  We cooked this as a weeknight dinner because it is quick and easy, but also very tasty.  Because tilapia has such a mild flavor, there are plenty of options to serving… Read more

  • Daily Post Photo Challenge – Landscape

    When we first saw this week’s theme, landscape, we thought it would be easy to choose a landscape photo.  After all, we go hiking all of the time and take a lot of photographs of the mountain ranges.  When we started looking through our pictures, though, it became tougher than we had first imagined.  Not… Read more