Friendships from Frankfurt

One of the last things that we did before leaving Frankfurt was to go around to our favorite places and take photos of some of the friends that we had made. We feel fortunate to have met such wonderful people who were a tremendous help to us as we struggled to live in a foreign country where we knew very little of the language. This week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge is Friend, so here are just a few photos of the friends that we made during our time in Germany.

Bruno and the Gang at Alten Limpurg
At the Brasserie
Dejan at Alten Limpurg
Giving a Thumbs Up
Us with Bruno
The Gluwein King
Holiday Time at the Brasseri

The Land of Fire and Ice

We have had several friends visit Iceland recently and have enjoyed seeing their images, which are from the spring and summer, although they are completely different than the Iceland that we saw. It is amazing how the time of year that you visit a location can dramatically effect the opinions that you might have of that place. If we could, we would visit places in every season of the year, just to see the differences. What we enjoyed about visiting Iceland in the winter was that it truly illustrated that nickname of the land of fire and ice is truly deserved. This week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge is Hot and/or Cold and watching the geysers erupt on the Golden Circle is a wonderful memory that evokes that wonderful contradiction in our minds. Nature provides such magical experiences.

The Famous Geysir
Coming to a Boil
Blowing Off Some Steam
Geysir Erupting
Fire and Ice


Passing in the Blink of an Eye

Time is going by very quickly and we are rapidly approaching the halfway point for the year. It seems like there is so much happening that we don’t have time to even think about our plans for the rest of the year as we are continuously caught up in the moment at hand. We just returned from another trip to Las Vegas, which we used for relaxation as opposed to seeing shows or gambling. It was our sincere intention to stay up with sharing posts while we were there, but we were so relaxed that we ended up not opening up our devices. This week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge is Evanescent, which is a fleeting moment in time. At this point, every day seems to fit this definition. Here are a few photos of our quick flight from Denver to Las Vegas, which is already becoming just a memory as daily life takes over once again.

Lake Mead
Dried Up River Bed
Snow Covered Rocky Mountains
Another View of Lake Mead