Images from the Past

Since the dawn of man, cultures have been capturing images of themselves, their gods, and their lives in some form or another. Starting early on with cave drawings and then carving images out of stone. It is an important way that people have shared their beliefs and passed down their stories through time. This week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge is Heritage, so we decided to share some photos from Tiwanaku. The civilization that created these statues inhabited the areas of Bolivia and Peru over three-thousand years ago. Looking at their artwork is a window into the culture of these very mysterious, but sophisticated people.

Statue at the Center of the Akapana Pyramid
One of the Statues
Faded Statues
Gate of the Sun


We are Never Truly Alone

We may find ourselves with no one around us, but we are never truly alone. It may seem at times as if we are the only ones going through something, but in reality there are others out there who have or are going through similar circumstances. The trick is not isolating yourself so that you don’t hear the voices of others who are there to help. This week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge is Isolated Subjects. We chose the photo of a lone tree on Lake Titicaca in Bolivia, a lone elk in Yellowstone, as well as a couple of photos from Cabo San Lucas in Mexico.

Single Tree on an Island
Sea Lion on a Rock
Lone Elk
Bird on a Rock


Take Time to Reflect

A lot of people spend so much time looking forward and planning their next adventure that they don’t go back and savor their past experiences. Perhaps we are fortunate since we write about the places that we have visited that we get the opportunity to review our photographs and relive past moments. With that in mind, for this week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge, Reflecting, we went back to a couple of our trips to Chicago where we captured images of reflections off of they skyscrapers as well as the “Bean”.

Cloud Gate (The Bean) in Chicago
Interesting Reflection
Reflections on Skyscraper
Skyline and Its Reflection
One Last View of the Bean