The Medieval Torture Museum in Chicago, Illinois – A Unique Experience

We recently traveled to Chicago and since we have been there several times, we were looking for unique experiences for our trip. One of the things that we discovered was that Medieval Torture Museum and to say that it was not your typical museum would be a huge understatement. It is an interactive museum, but don’t worry, there aren’t people in costumes that are going to jump out at you. The various displays within the museum are extremely realistic and also extremely horrific.

Interactive Woman Accused of Witchcraft Being Dunked in Water
Instruments of Torture

Walking through the museum takes you on a journey of how the torture techniques used by humans have evolved throughout our history. It is disturbing to see all of the ways that we have come up with to impose pain and suffering on our fellow human beings. It would be wonderful to think that as a modern society, we’ve eliminated all forms of torture, but some of the forms of torture still exist today. Obviously, this is not an experience for young people and we have chosen to put photographs here that are suitable for everyone, but be aware that there are some that are more difficult to see.

One of the Displays
Very Realistic Mannequins

The cost to visit the museum is about $40 per person and it will only take you about an hour or two to get through all of the exhibits. There is an online audio tour that you can get on you mobile device and there is also signage on many of the exhibits explaining what is being depicted. In addition to Chicago, the Medieval Torture Museum is also located in Los Angeles and St Augustine. Certainly, this is not an experience for everyone, but if you aren’t squeamish and want to discover some unique aspects of our global human culture, it is fascinating.

Unique Constraints
Medieval Torturer

Church Towers and Skyscrapers Rising towards the Sky

We really enjoy seeing historic churches throughout the world and most of them can be found in the old town areas of the cities. There are times, though, when modern cities with skyscrapers surround the old churches and the images can be just as striking. Seeing the bell towers reaching towards the sky in parallel with the glass towers is quite a juxtaposition of images. Obviously it goes in direct opposition to the desire to have the churches and cathedrals be the tallest buildings in a city where people could see them from all of the surrounding areas as they ventured towards the city. Here are some of our favorite examples of churches and skyscrapers.

New York Cathedral
Sitting at the Base of the Skyscrapers
Bell Tower and Skyscraper Perfectly Parallel
Dwarfed by the City
Church Tower and Modern Buildings in Frankfurt

Shedd Aquarium in Chicago

We had been to Chicago several times before visiting the Shedd Aquarium, but we were glad that we finally made our way to this attraction. The aquarium hosts an amazing variety of species of both saltwater and freshwater fish and other animals. It is certainly a great place for families as there is plenty for children or adults that are children at heart. Not everyone agrees with zoos and aquariums, but it depends on both the treatment of the animals as well as their commitment to rescuing injured animals and conservation of animals in the wild. It truly seems that the Shedd Aquarium is committed to both and we were even told about a giant sea turtle that was rescued after being injured by a boat and now lives in the large Caribbean Reef exhibit.

There are some very interesting exhibits including Amazon Rising, Polar Play Zone, Wild Reef, Caribbean Reef, and more. In addition to the exhibits there are also several interactive activities that you can enjoy such as animal encounters, animal chats, and aquatic presentations. We were able to watch and listen to a diver as he fed fish in the Caribbean Reef exhibit, which has a prominent location in the center of the aquarium. If you are willing to reach out to the aquarium in advance, there are opportunities to do a variety of special activities like sleepovers in the aquarium, behind the scene tours, and even the opportunity to be a trainer for a day.

Diver Feeding a Stingray in the Caribbean Reef Exhibit

Beluga Whale Grabbing a Scarf

Part of the Amazon Rising Exhibit

We really enjoyed watching the Beluga whales play with what appeared to be strips of fabric, almost like scarves. They would grab them with their mouths, drop them, and then grab them with their fins or tail. It seemed that they really enjoyed playing with them and they were not doing it as part of a show or to receive any treats from a trainer. Another favorite thing to see while at the aquarium are the penguins as they are always cute and adorable. On the flip side, watching the sharks as they circle the large tank is equally fascinating, but everyone is certainly glad to be on the other side of the glass.

Diver Talking about Caribbean Ocean Life

Beluga Whale Playing

Sharks Circling the Tank (Sorry It is Blurry)

If you are planning a trip to Chicago, visiting the Shedd Aquarium is certainly well worth the visit. It is a perfect place to go when the weather outside is cold and rainy or snowy. Prices for non-Chicago residents are twice the price of Chicago residents although it is included in the CityPASS ticket, which makes that a preferable option to just buying tickets to the aquarium itself.

Colorful Fish and Reef

A Learning Experience