Do You Celebrate Your Blogiversary?

Technically we started our site three years ago in June, but we didn’t truly start blogging with any consistency until August of that year. In that time, we have posted more than 650 posts on our site and continue to learn new things about blogging on almost a daily basis. In the past, we have never acknowledged the anniversary of our site, mostly because we have been focused on the day-to-day activities of simply sharing our stories and information about the places that we have been visiting. When we started our site, we would have never dreamed that we would spend six months living in Germany or that we would travel to 5 different continents.

Summertime Sunset in Colorado
Beautiful Scenery in Iceland

Throughout the past few years we have enjoyed all of the interaction that we have had with fellow bloggers, travelers, photographers, and foodies. We try to share a little of ourselves along the way and hopefully not just a dry repetition of facts that could be found anywhere. Every now and then we look back at our older posts and consider updating them now that we know more than we did back when we started, but haven’t taken the time to do so as of yet.

Skyline of Rome
Main River in Frankfurt

So, this isn’t necessarily an official celebration of our blogiversary, but it is at least a recognition of the fact that it is occurring. Perhaps if we make it to five years we will truly take time to celebrate the moment and might even pop open a bottle of bubbly. Do you celebrate your blogiversaries or do they pass by quietly?

10 thoughts on “Do You Celebrate Your Blogiversary?

  1. Congratulations! On your three year anniversary and all those posts, a great achievement. It will be my third anniversary in August but I’ll probably just let it pass quietly, Here’s yo your next three years!!

  2. Congratulations on your third Blog Anniversary! My blog is three years old too! I have enjoyed your posts very much especially the posts on Chennai and look forward to many more.

  3. Happy Blogiversary. Seems like we started at exactly the same time. We’re aware of the anniversaries but don’t celebrate them, usually busy exploring or travelling.

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