This Might Explain A Lot

Most people understand having the travel bug, but there are some people that we know that just don’t seem to get it. Obviously, we currently live in Colorado and spend quite a bit of time hiking in the mountains and enjoying our beautiful state. But, when the two of us first met, we lived in a resort town on the ocean in Maryland. In fact, our first condominium that we lived in together was right on the water and we spent many evenings watching the sun set over the bay.  The first year of our marriage was basically a working vacation filled with water skiing, strolls on the beach, and plenty of sun.

Sunset from Our Old Condo
A Much Younger Peter
And a Younger Dona in Front of Our Condominium

Twenty-seven years have gone by since we first met, but we still look back at those days when life was carefree and it instilled a desire to see the world.  Maybe it was because we spent so many days staring out at the ocean and wondering what was on the other side of the horizon.  Since those sunny days, work has moved us several times until we landed here in Colorado and now our sunsets occur behind the peaks of the rocky mountains, but the want to see the world is just as strong.

Sunset From Our Current House 🙂
Another Sunset from Ocean City, Maryland

An argument could be that having had the opportunity to live by the ocean and then the mountains should have cured us of the travel bug, but it has only made it stronger.  No life is a series of sunsets and romantic places and our opportunities to travel aren’t as often as we’d like, but we try to make the most out of the time that we do have.  Maybe this doesn’t completely explain why both of us have had the travel bug as long as we’ve known each other, but maybe it explains it a little.

8 thoughts on “This Might Explain A Lot

  1. Love this post. So well written, and I can’t for the life of me figure out why anyone would want to stay in one place their whole life. To each their own, I guess. And aren’t you guys just too cute back in the 80’s!

    1. hi I also can’t figure why some people would want to stay in one place their whole life, but at the same time I’m quite fascinated by people who have actually done so. It’s like being from different planets, and in their own way, they have interesting stories to tell 🙂

  2. I think it’s an interesting question, why some love travel and others don’t. Many people think we’re odd – or even foolish – to search the globe looking for adventures and learning new ways to look at food, culture, religion, landscape, etc. I guess I should ask them why!

    1. Some people that we’ve talked to think that the need to travel means you’re not fulfilled at home, but we definitely don’t find that to be true. We simply believe that the more you see of other cultures, the more you truly understand the world around you. Happy travels! 🙂

  3. Love your blogs and totally agree with you about travel. We’re older than you guys, but share the same passions. Should you find your way to the San Francisco Bay Area, we’d love to catch up and trade travel tales.

  4. That would be fun. Having lived in the Bay Area for many years, we recently retired to the Sonoma Valley wine country, about 50 miles north of San Francisco. It’s less well known than Napa Valley but, in our opinion, produces as good if not better wines. We could catch up with you in The City or you could come here if that appeals to you.

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