Hand-Pressed Olive Oil in Ronda, Spain

When we were in Ronda, Spain, a couple of years ago, we went to an olive oil factory where the local growers brought there harvests to be pressed into olive oil. It was fascinating to see how the olives were transported into the factory and then pressed using large, weighted, presses. To say that the olive oil that we tasted that day was some of the best that we have ever tasted would be an extreme understatement. For this week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge, Gears and Engines, we thought that we would share a few photos from that tour. We can almost taste the olive oil when looking back at these pictures.

Olive Conveyor Belt
Weighted Presses
Another View of the Conveyor Belts
Standing in the Courtyard
Single Press
Old Furnace
Front of the Factory
What a View