Daily Post Photo Challenge – Rare

There are many precious things in the world that are rare such as jewels and certain endangered species of animals. Finding your perfect soul mate can also be rare in this crazy world that we live in today. For us, though, finding that perfect moment when time stands still and the worries of the world melt away seem to be fleeting and far between. Sure, we go hiking and get into nature, but it seems that all too often it seems like the stresses of life and work somehow manage to join us on our journey. We thought that for this week’s challenge, we would share a moment in Yellowstone when everything stopped as we watched this lone moose walk silently across the freshly fallen snow.

Majestic Moose in Yellowstone


13 thoughts on “Daily Post Photo Challenge – Rare

      1. Heartfelt thanks, yes we’re all well. Just the fright of pretty strong wake-up shakes even here in Rome. The destruction up in the direct quake zone is indeed tragic and impressive.

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