Isobar Expeditions

The Black Beaches of Iceland


There was so much spectacular scenery as we drove around the southern and western parts of Iceland. As we drove along the Snæfellsnes Peninsula, we really enjoyed seeing the black beaches, which are basically lava flows that extend into the ocean. The peninsula is often referred to as “Iceland in miniature” because it has everything from beaches, volcanos, glaciers, and an abundance of wildlife. Seeing the beauty of the beaches is a reminder as to the forces of nature and how these forces continuously interact with one another. For this week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge, Colors that Start with the Letter B, we are sharing a few of the photos that we took of those amazing black beaches and lava flows in Iceland.

Amazing Black Beach
Rugged Coastline
Black Lava in the Surf
Lava Eroded into Cliffs
Looking Down the Coast
Dramatic Coastline
Road along the Coast
Powerful Lava Flows
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