Beer and Wine Around the World

We have always been advocates for eating local foods when traveling, but we equally believe in trying the local wines and beers. Wine tastings are a great way to try a variety of wines and get a true sense of what the region has to offer. Likewise, many cities have their own beer varieties which are specific to that location or are brewed just for the season. Some places are obvious locations to try certain things, like beer in Germany or wine in France, but you can find local varieties in places that might surprise you, such as Iceland or Egypt.

Local Beer in Egypt
Wine Tasting in Ronda, Spain
Wine Purchased from a Wine Tasting in Strasbourg, France

It isn’t just about trying different varieties of beer and wine, it is also about going to the places where locals like to gather with friends and family to relax and have a drink or two. There is something special about the atmosphere of a historic pub that is just warm and welcoming. Going to places like the Brazen Head in Dublin, Ireland’s oldest pub, can be as interesting of an experience as visiting the famous sights in a city. If you take the time to chat with the owners, you just might find yourself having a drink with them while learning more about the city and the best of the local wine and beer to try.

Brazen Head Pub in Dublin
Drinking Games in Reykjavik, Iceland
Wine and Food in Italy

We don’t believe that there are set rules about what pairs well with certain types of food as we think that it all depends upon your taste. As long as you choose something that you enjoy, it will likely taste good with your meal. There isn’t anything wrong with having a red wine or beer with fish or white wine with something with a robust flavor such as duck. The one exception might be for desserts where a sweeter wine certainly makes some sense, but on the rare occasions that we eat dessert, we usually just have a normal glass of wine.

Beer in Kilkenny, Ireland
Obvious Where We had This Beer
Dark Beer in Romania

If you add in the different festivals that happen throughout the year, but especially around the holidays, there are even more opportunities to taste local favorites. You don’t have to be in Munich to celebrate Oktoberfest and you can probably find someplace close to you to enjoy this annual celebration. Wherever you travel, you should take advantage of the local libations, including specialty drinks in addition to the local beers and wines. We enjoyed so many different drinks during our travels, but Apfelwein in Frankfurt might be close to the top of our list. Do you have a favorite beer, wine, or drink experience?

Apfelwein in Frankfurt
Beer in Iceland
Local Beer in Quito, Ecuador


Arc de Triomphe in Paris, France

We didn’t make it to the Arc de Triomphe during our first trip to Paris, but we made a point of visiting it during our second trip. It was cold and rainy, but that didn’t deter us from going to the top of the Arc and getting views of the city. In addition to the famous Champs-Elysees, there are another 11 avenues that all stretch to and from the Arc de Triomphe. The full name of the Arc is the Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile, which translates to Triumphant Arch of the Star. The star refers to the shape that is made by the twelve radiating avenues that look like rays of light emanating from the Arc.

Arc de Triomphe
Inscriptions Inside of the Arc
View of the Eiffel Tower on a Cloudy Day
Champs-Elysees from the Arc Terrace

The Arc de Triomphe was originally commissioned by Napoleon in 1806, but it wasn’t completed until 1836 and Napoleon never actually saw the completed project. The monument was erected to honor the French people that fought and died in the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars. The names of all of the French generals and victories are inscribed on the inner and outer walls. There is also the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier from World War I and an eternal flame located at the arc.

Ceiling of the Arc
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and Eternal Flame
Interesting Statue Inside of the Arc
Montmartre in the Distance

Seeing the Arc de Triomphe is definitely fascinating, but going to the terrace at the top and seeing the city of Paris and the Eiffel Tower is probably the highlight of going to the Arc. You can definitely expect it to be crowded and only a limited number of people are able to go to the terrace at any given time. The Arc de Triomphe should certainly be on your itinerary if you visit Paris and we are glad that we got the opportunity to see it since we missed it on our first trip.

Traffic Around the Arc
Modern Paris Skyscrapers
Statue in the Arc
Views from the Arc’s Terrace


Eguisheim, France

There are many wonderful towns on the wine road in Alsace, France. One of the first towns that we visited during our day tour from Strasbourg was Eguisheim. It is a medieval town that was built in rings of buildings that circle the town square. With its historic buildings, tiny streets, and unique shops, it is a popular destination for tourists who visit Alsace and the wine road. One of the highlights of Eguisheim is the Chapelle Saint-Leon IX, which is a beautiful chapel located near the fountain in the town square.

Narrow Streets of Eguisheim
Chapelle Saint-Leon IX
Beautiful Architecture
Historic Quaintness
Wondering Through the Town

We visited Eguisheim during the winter and there were still plenty of crowds, but we would expect the town to be even more crowded during the summer months when the entire area is a popular destination. Walking the narrow streets is truly like stepping back in time and has an almost magical quality. One of things that we enjoyed were the many whimsical shops that can be found as you take the tour around the main loop that surrounds the town and then leads you to the town center. It is definitely a romantic location.

Crowded with Tourists and Locals
Colorful Ceiling Above the Altar
Whimsical Shops
Front of the Chapel
Scenes Depicting Pope Saint-Leon IX’s Life

The Chapelle Saint-Leon IX was built in the neo-Roman style in 1894 and dedicated to Pope Saint-Leon IX. The chapel has beautiful stained glass windows that date back to 1895 as well as colorfully painted walls and ceilings depicting seven scenes from the life of Saint-Leon. It is certainly worth taking time to see the chapel when visiting Eguisheim. Located near the main fountain in the town square, there are also several restaurants near the chapel that serve a variety of local food.

Witch Above a Store Door
Inside of the Capel
Stained Glass
Medieval Charm
Colorful Buildings

Eguisheim is definitely a beautiful town in the heart of Alsace. We spent a couple of hours in the town and enjoyed our time their immensely. The town has received multiple accreditations for its beauty and history, making it one of the most popular stops on the wine road of Alsace.

Bell Tower with Bird’s Nest
Historical Streets
Town Square and Chapel
Statue of Saint-Leon IX Inside the Chapel
Shops, Restaurants, and a Market