Isobar Expeditions

You are a Sum of Your Experiences


There are many factors that ultimately shape who you are as a human being. Whether you believe in nature or believe in nurture as the fundamental building blocks to us as human beings, there can be no escaping the fact that your experiences add to who you are as a human being. The people that you meet, the places that you see, the customs and cultures that you learn to understand, all have an indelible impact upon how you view the world around you. There might be some factors that are bestowed upon you at birth, but we believe that your experiences do influence the way that you interact with the world. The Daily Post Discover Challenge this week is Finding Your Place, talking about the places that have shaped who we are. For us, it is a simple and yet complex answer. The places that have influenced us the most are those that have pushed our cultural limits. With that in mind, here are a few photos from the places that have stretched our limits the most, India, Morocco, Bolivia, and even Germany due to the length of time that we have been here. Each of these locations have left a distinct imprint on our souls and we will never be the same without these unique opportunities to view the world through different eyes.

Mahabalipuram near Chennai, India
The Amazon Jungle
The Coast of Morocco on the Atlantic Ocean
Heidelberg, Germany


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