Isobar Expeditions

Taking Photographs of Animals can be a Tricky Proposition

We have seen many different animals throughout our travels, some of them more interesting than others. As we prepare for our safari, we know that we will come home with many more animal photographs than what we even have today. We are always on the lookout for motion in the trees that surround us, the rustling of bushes, or even shadows moving across the ground so that we don’t miss out on a possible animal sighting. Many of the animals are cute and adorable, some colorful, and others perhaps a little strange or even dangerous. Taking photographs of animals can be tricky at times and sometimes it all comes down to a little bit of luck.

Llama in Bolivia
Barbary Monkey in Gibraltar
Anteater in a Tree in Panama
Big Horn Sheep in Colorado
Monkey on the Rocks of Halong Bay, Vietnam
Three-Toed Tree Sloth
Poisonous Frog in the Amazon

It obviously helps to have a telephoto lens, but that also comes with its own set of challenges. It can be difficult to go from the naked eye to the camera and get it to the location where you just sighted the animal. Another interesting thing that we found from several of our trips now is the trick of using binoculars and a cell phone to capture a photograph. The binocular acts as a telephoto lens for the camera on your phone and the images are often as good as those captured with a digital camera.

Agouti in Panama
Friendly Donkey in South Dakota
Turkey in the Bolivian Jungle
Camel at the Pyramids in Egypt
Up Close and Personal with Monkeys in Panama
Colorful Wire-Tailed Manakin in Ecuador

One thing that is clear is that you don’t have to go to exotic locations to captures photographs of animals in the wild. There are obviously birds of all different kinds wherever you travel, but it isn’t surprising to see snakes, lizards and other creatures as well. There are also places that have allowed the animals to remain in the wild at certain tourist locations like the monkeys in Gibraltar or even the wild donkeys in South Dakota. All it takes is a little patience and a willingness to take several photographs so that you just might get the one that you were looking for. Do you take photographs of animals in the wild?

Lizard Standing on a Rock in Utah
Tarantula Crawling Out of a Tree
Bird Along the Trail to the Top of Gellért Hill in Budapest
Colorful Details of a Hummingbird Moth in Our Backyard
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