Colorful Church Roofs

Most of the cathedrals and churches have very colorful stained glass windows and ornate features, but the roofs themselves are fairly plain. In some cases, though, the roofs themselves are works of art. Both St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna, Austria and Matthias Church in Budapest, Hungary are excellent examples of that. They both have very colorful roofs with geometric designs that draw your eyes to them. It certainly makes for an interesting contrast to the stone walls of the churches themselves.

Close Up View of the Roof of St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna
Back of the Matthias Church
View of the Cathedral and It’s Roof
Matthias Church
Looking Down from St. Stephen’s Cathedral
Matthias Church in the Castle District from the Top of the Basilica


14 thoughts on “Colorful Church Roofs

      1. Hello.

        Thank you having shown interest in Finland. Generally speaking, it is unknown to many. I could divide Finland in two parts: Winter Finland and Summer Finland. Because you live in Colorado, you know snow and ice, I presume. Our winter is at its best in the northern part called Lapland. There are two must places for a visit. This is one of them:

        Reindeer rides and Santa

        There you can meet Santa and have reindeer rides. Also, if you know American history, then you can visit to the historical log cabin of Eleanora Roosevelt.

        World’s biggest snow castle is another my favorite place:

        Best Snow Castle photos

        Lapland is also nice place for hiking in fall. When hiking on some of our Arctic hills, you meet free roaming reindeers. This post shows our start to hike around in Lapland:

        North of the Arctic Circle 3

        Well, Finland can also be divided into different parts. With this I mean what are visitor’s interests. Example, historic places, happenings, gorgeous landscapes, cultural and traditional, visiting small colorful towns etc. Then comes my favorite items – churches, especially wooden churches. We have gorgeous old wooden churches, not full of gold as in Central and South Europe, but something which are not elsewhere and even which are unique in the whole world. On countryside, where are our most beautiful and old churches, bell towers are separated from churches. Inside on coastal areas we have Votive ships. Most unique are our poor-man statues. To see them. I give here some links to show you what I meant:

        Ships inside churches
        Beautiful bell towers in Finland

        In this post poor-man statues are in an exhibition. I have also made 15 posts in which they are on their natural place in churches. In these posts I show churches inside / outside:

        Statues of Paupers1

        If you really consider to visit Finland, then -> countryside and rent a car. By road trips you get more. Of course, we have excellent rail and bus connection, not forgetting air services. Finally read my about-me-page. It tells about my life and my country in a nut shell:

        About me


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