Stepping Back in Time

There is something truly magical about walking through the ruins of an ancient civilization. Perhaps in another life we would have been archeologists, searching for long lost treasures buried by the sands of time. Certainly our trip to Athens was another example of that desire to walk in the footsteps of our ancestors. It is hard not to imagine Plato or Socrates walking next to you as you walk along the Parthenon. Examples of the great societies of the past can be found all over the world. Seeing the incredible monuments that have survived for thousands of years can sometimes make us question whether civilizations today are truly as superior as we would like to believe them to be. Whether it is Mesa Verde in Colorado, Tiwanaku and Incallajta in Bolivia, or the Acropolis in Athens, we should embrace our history as much as we marvel at the latest technological advancements. So, for this week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge, Resilient, we thought that we would share a few photos of the ruins that we have seen.

Erechthion at the Acropolis
Mesa Verde


Do Not Abandon All Hope

To say that the last twelve months has been interesting would be an understatement. Not just for the personal changes that have occurred, but equally for everything that has happened in the world. As we have mentioned, our site is not a political site, but there is no way to avoid the consequences of such a tumultuous year. It would be easy to bury one’s head in the sand and pretend that none of these events occurred, but whether we are outraged, discouraged, frustrated, or worse yet, ambivalent towards the events of the year, we cannot give up on the hope that is the human spirit. Every year provides moments that inspire us as well as fill us with dread. It is also possible that a single event can instill one emotion in some and the complete opposite emotion in others. We hope that the year to come brings more optimism than the year that is coming to an end, but we will remind us of what we told our children as they were growing up, “you can’t control the world, but you can control your own emotions, you can choose to be happy, sad, or mad. You can choose to be happy or you can let the world tell you how to feel.” Obviously that is an over-simplification, but we will choose to find the joy in life and do our best to surround ourselves with those who choose a smile over a frown. In response to this week’s Daily Post Discover Challenge – Hope Gone Viral, we have decided to choose this video instead of a single photo. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all of our friends and enjoy this little video of children singing holiday songs for a local TV special at our hotel in Strasbourg, France.

Backdrop for the Kids


Daily Post Photo Challenge – Anticipation

For those that celebrate Christmas, there is always much anticipation for Christmas morning, seeing your children and loved ones open their gifts, seeing the joy and happiness in their eyes. For those of us who travel frequently, it is often the anticipation of the next journey that fills our hearts with suspense and excitement as we think of the next sight that we will see or location that we will visit. Sometimes we put too much emphasis on what we might see, get, or do next rather than enjoying the simple pleasures of day-to-day life. As a wise friend of ours once said, “every day that the ground is below your feet instead of above your head, is a good day”. With that in mind, we hope to have many interesting and fun filled days in the future, but what we anticipate the most is simply another day together, sharing our journey through life and this wonderful world.

At the Louvre in Paris