In order to get to Copacabana on Lake Titicaca from La Paz, Bolivia, you have to take a ferry across a portion of lake. While you obviously don’t drive across the lake, it was fascinating to see large buses being ferried across the water. It took quite a while to get across and the water was a little choppy, but we certainly felt safe during the entire crossing. For this week’s Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge we are sharing photos from our ferry ride.
Crossing the LakeAbout to Start Our CrossingEmpty FerryView from the FerryAlmost AcrossEnjoying the CrossingBus on a Ferry
If you go back in history, we all come from some sort of nomadic group that dared to migrate and populate the various parts of the world. If you look around the world, there are still obvious tribal influences in places like the Middle East, Africa, India, and South America. But being part of a tribe is not necessarily what most people envision when then think about tribes. They picture nomads on camels, families living off of the land living in huts, or performing rituals with spears and shields. The reality is that there are tribes all around the world. The definition of a tribe is a social division in a traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic, religious, or blood ties, with a common culture and dialect, typically having a recognized leader. There are tribal divisions in Europe, Asia, and the United States. We just think of them as regional differences, such as Sicily versus the people from Tuscany, but ultimately these cultural and even linguistic differences help define the people who live there. Not true in the melting pot that is the United States some might say, then visit Louisiana or Texas and then consider the definition of a tribe. Lets celebrate our differences instead of hoping for a homogenized world. This week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge is Transient (drifters and nomads). Here are some photos of a couple of tourist activities that celebrate our nomadic past.
Camels on the Beach in MoroccoHorses in MexicoMore CamelsReady for a Ride
Whenever you take a tour of a historic place, the rooms are usually decorated with period pieces to represent what it would have been like for the people that lived there. This can be a good way to truly see how opulent certain lifestyles were, but there are times when it just feels like a family abandoned the room. This is especially true when it is a child’s room or bedroom with children’s toys. For this week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge, Teddy Bears, Dolls, and Toys, we have chosen a few pictures from the Kilkenny Castle as well as the fortress churches of Romania.
Bedroom in Kilkenny CastleBedroom in RomaniaAnother Room in RomaniaMore of the Room in Kilkenny