Whenever you take a tour of a historic place, the rooms are usually decorated with period pieces to represent what it would have been like for the people that lived there. This can be a good way to truly see how opulent certain lifestyles were, but there are times when it just feels like a family abandoned the room. This is especially true when it is a child’s room or bedroom with children’s toys. For this week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge, Teddy Bears, Dolls, and Toys, we have chosen a few pictures from the Kilkenny Castle as well as the fortress churches of Romania.
Nice entry for the week. Thanks for playing along.
Thank you. We enjoy your photo challenges ☺
I love your photos! In my hometown we have a museum with an attic full of these doll’s houses. Whenever I am visiting an exhibition, I go up to look at them.
I lover your photos! A museum in my hometown has an attic full of these doll’s houses. Whenever I visit an exhibition, I go up to have a look at them.