Help to Jog the Memory

Traveling to places can be overwhelming at times as there is so much to see and learn about a location. Like most people, we will read information about a destination and will get pamphlets, maps, and other materials as we visit specific sites. That doesn’t mean that when we get back, we will remember everything we read or learned about a place, especially for some of the lesser known buildings or even specific pieces of art. Therefore, we will often take a photo of a sign or plaque to help remind us about a place or item after we get home. We often find these photos to be very helpful as we look back at pictures of our trip and need a little help in remembering some of the specifics. Do you take photographs of signs and plaques during your trips?

Plaque in Cairo
From Quito, Ecuador
Metal Sign in Romania
Sign for Fossil Tree in India
Map and Sign in Koblenz, Germany
Statue Information in Rome
Plaque for Fallen Heros in Dublin
Nuremberg, Germany
Sign in Sante Fe


14 thoughts on “Help to Jog the Memory

  1. I used to think Ian was mad for taking photos of signs. Until we get home to thousands of photos. The signs help to identify which chateau, church etc was which. I agree they are also useful to remember the specific information about a place.

  2. thebeerwanderer

    Glad to finally get a chance to read this. I’ve been doing quite a bit of sign photo taking the last few weeks as I research a book on beer hiking in Bavaria. Haven’t had much time to keep up with blogs but trying to catch up a bit today. I see you’ve been busy!

    1. We find it helps us jog our memory. Can’t wait for your book, that would be a great way to see Bavaria. Yes, it has been quite busy and we are getting ready for our trip to Hungary next month ๐Ÿ™‚

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