Daily Post Photo Challenge – Future

The future belongs to those who dare to dream of the impossible and make it a reality. Sure, that is probably a take on something famous that somebody has said, but that is how we define the future. So, for this week’s photo challenge about the future, we decided to use some pictures that we took fifteen years ago when we went to the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum in Washington DC.  You could probably say that we went to our past to describe the future.  It is one of our favorite museums in Washington and we’d highly recommend taking the time to go there if you ever get the chance.  Seeing the evolution of travel and the barriers that have been broken only serve to remind us that there will always be new breakthroughs year after year.

A Variety of Airplanes on Display
Rockets, Airplanes, and the Wright Brothers’ Plane
Apollo Space Capsule
Space Rocket


5 thoughts on “Daily Post Photo Challenge – Future

  1. Never been, but I’m laughing because we’re on the same wave-lenght: yesterday by pure chance/mistake we ended up at an Air Force museum tucked away in the countryside about a half hour away from Rome. But we’ll have to go back for pictures on another weekend, and they’ll probably look very much like yours 🙂

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