Floating Temples in Chennai, India

We saw many different temples during our trip to Chennai and each of them was interesting in its own way. One of the styles of temples that we saw were ones that were built on columns, both in the water as well as on land. Obviously, they are not truly floating, but they were very unique. These temple tanks are apparently used by worshipers to bathe in to cure them from diseases. We are not cultural anthropologists, but it is fascinating for us to see and learn about different cultures and religions. For this week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge, Unusual, we have chosen photos of these temples.

Temple in Tank
Golden Temples in Temple Tank
Temple Raised on Columns
Full View of the Temple Tank
Temple Courtyard

4 thoughts on “Floating Temples in Chennai, India

  1. Pingback: Unusual: Writing on the Wall | What's (in) the picture?

  2. Pingback: Colors in Distorsion – TyroCharm

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