Isobar Expeditions

Growth Through Destruction


It is a harsh reality that our world is shaped by violent and disruptive events. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and violent storms change the earth’s landscape on a regular basis. Although each of these events can be quite dramatic, ultimately they can create stunning beauty. Many islands, such as Hawaii would not exist if it weren’t for the eruptions of volcanoes. Even though we see evidence of events that have occurred hundreds or thousands of years ago, seeing our world change before eyes is a constant reminder that we are but a small part of the natural world. As much as we try to control the world around us, nature continuously reminds us that we are not in control. This week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge is words that start with the letter V, so we have chosen photos of volcanoes from both Iceland and Ecuador, some of which were active.

Volcano in Iceland. Is it Steam or a Cloud?
Quilotoa Caldera in Ecuador
Dramatic Volcano Crater on the Golden Circle in Iceland
View of Cotopaxi Volcano
Frozen Volcano
Quito with the Active Cotopaxi Volcano in the Distance
Cayambe Volcano in Ecuador


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