Heidelberg – Idyllic German City


It was special for us to visit Heidelberg a couple of weeks ago because our youngest daughter spent three weeks there a little over a year ago. To be able to see the places that she had seen and compare opinions and the things that we both had seen was a wonderful experience. It isn’t that often that we travel to a destination at different times and get the opportunity to share them, even if not at the same time. We already shared the Heidelberg Castle (Schloss Heidelberg), but there was a lot to see than just the castle. It was only a forty-minute train ride to Heidelberg from Frankfurt, so we expect to go back again, so we weren’t worried about trying to see it all in a single day’s visit, but we definitely enjoyed what we did get to see.

Old Town
Beautiful Building
Gorgeous Castle
View down the River
Unique Architecture

It is very much a tourist destination, so expect crowds, even if off-season, as well as shops catering to those visiting from around the world. Honestly, we didn’t mind for once, it wasn’t too crowded and we were able to pick up a couple of Christmas decorations to display in our apartment in Frankfurt, when it is time. There are plenty of restaurants with local beer and food, but you can find other options as well if you desire. Unlike Frankfurt, Heidelberg was not destroyed during WWII, so it is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the historic architecture of Germany. Obviously there are statues and town squares, but one of the main sites is the Old Bridge, which will take you across to the Philosophers’ Road. It is supposed to have incredible views of the city, but we had already done our fair share of walking, so we decided to leave that to our next visit.

View along the River
One of the Town Squares
Typical German Building
The Old Bridge
Town Square

Like many days in Germany, the day started cloudy, foggy, and cold, but as the day progressed, the sun managed to make an appearance and it truly brightened our day in all respects. Walking the streets of the old town was a relaxing experience. Life slowed down, people weren’t in a rush to get to the next tourist spot, and it made for a completely enjoyable day. We continue to enjoy everything that Germany has to offer and Heidelberg is definitely a highlight of our relatively short time in our new home.

302 Stairs, We Walked this Twice
Foggy Start to the Day
The Market Place
Another Interesting Building


Autumn Foliage


18 thoughts on “Heidelberg – Idyllic German City

  1. Oh I see this and I remember my trip to Heidelberg. Again I have been in the same places you were, and they are fantastic.
    My pictures are in my blog too. It seems we have both enjoyed the view from the castle!

  2. Pingback: Heidelberg – Idyllic German City – Trrvel

  3. OMG, I really miss Heidelberg right now. I miss walking around, taking photos, checking souvenirs, entering the shops, sitting beside the Neckar River. Also walking through Alte Brucke. Thank you for posting this. Lovely!

  4. Pingback: copied: | My little simple thought

  5. Pingback: Enjoying a Memorable Weekend in Heidelberg, Germany – Living The Q Life

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